Wednesday, June 9, 2010

High School Business Class Assignments

Please Help Me!!! I am always looking for new assignments/projects to implement in the classroom. I teach a wide variety of courses so if you have a fun project I would love to hear about it. The classes I need the most help with are Marketing, Business Investing, Business Management, and Personal Money Management.


  1. A good one for Personal Money Management is to have them plan a trip/vacation. They need to find airfare, hotel, food costs, recreation activities, etc. The kids really like it. You can also have them graph their spending using Excel to add another technology piece to the assignment.

  2. My favorite assignments is to have my Web Design students create a website about themselves - Past, Present, Future. For the past page, students need to incorporate things from their birth, elementary school, and middle school. For the present page, students incorporate things from their high school years and current friends. And for the future page they incorporate their long term goals, future career, and where they see themselves in 10 years. This project allows me to get to know the students better, and lets them experience HTML coding using a topic they know best - themselves! I've never had a student not enjoy doing this project!!

    An addition to the project would be for them to create a family tree in Photoshop, save it as a JPG file, and upload it to their website using HTML coding!

  3. For a Sports and Marketing course, you can have students create their own professional sports teams. You can have them create logos, merchandise, stadium layout, mascots, and uniforms. Students then pick their players and find team sponsors. Students can compile the information found into a PowerPoint presentation and present it to the class pretending the class is the investors. This is a great end of the term project because the students have to use everything they have learned throughout the course.

  4. Thanks for all the great ideas!!!!!
